Learning a second language has always seemed beneficial for travelers or people looking for new job opportunities, but it never occurred to most that it could also be a beneficial approach to treating autism. Have you ever considered the surprising benefits of being bilingual in this aspect? Recent Autism research on multilingualism Recent research, headed
We all understand the difficulty of finding a parking spot with ease, especially when accompanied by a loved one with severe support needs. For example, imagine a parent with an autistic child struggling to find a space close to a store. Due to sensory overload or transition difficulties, the child gets agitated and starts to panic or cry.
In such cases, one may wonder if there is an option for a disability parking permit specifically for autism. It’s a legitimate question that many parents of autistic children with intense support needs have probably contemplated. So, in this article, we will explore the potential guidelines and requirements for obtaining an autism disability parking permit.
Does autism qualify for disability parking in the US?
Yes, in the US, autism is classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This means that in most states, parents of autistic children are eligible to apply for a disability placard and subsequently access designated parking spaces. However, it should be noted that the application process may vary among states.
The procedure
In most cases, the applicant is required to submit the application directly to their child’s healthcare provider. This implies that the applicant must print out the form and bring it to the doctor for them to fill out and sign. The doctor will then certify the disability and complete the necessary section on the form.
Once completed, the application can be uploaded online through the designated website or delivered in person to the nearest Department of Motor Vehicles office. Either way, it will ultimately result in obtaining a disability placard for the child and access to designated parking spaces.
Disability parking permit duration
Depending on the severity and duration of the disability, the doctor’s certification will determine whether a permanent, long-term, or temporary placard is granted. For example, a person with an enduring and ongoing physical impairment may be granted a permanent placard, while someone with a temporary injury or condition may receive a temporary placard that can easily be displayed on their car’s rearview mirror when parked.
It is important to follow the guidelines set by the Department of Motor Vehicles in order to ensure the proper use and validity of the disability parking placard.
The possible challenges
The only common challenge is the renewal process, which can be particularly burdensome. For example, applicants may face additional obstacles due to changes in eligibility requirements or the need to obtain updated documentation from their doctor. This can create unexpected and challenging circumstances for those who rely on disability parking permits for daily activities and mobility.
However, aside from that, once you have successfully obtained a parking placard, it can greatly open up opportunities and conveniences. At Illinois Autism, we understand the challenges that come with raising a child with autism and navigating daily activities. That’s why we are dedicated to providing support, resources, and treatment options for families affected by autism. Our goal is to not only raise awareness about autism but also help individuals with autism lead fulfilling lives.
So, if you or your loved one has been diagnosed with autism, know that there is a community here ready to support you. Let’s work together towards a more inclusive and understanding society for those on the spectrum.