Notice of Privacy

Notice of Privacy Policies

This notification serves to outline the possible utilization and disclosure of your medical data, as well as provide guidance on how to access such information. We kindly request that you give proper consideration to this document.  

We urge you to communicate with us in the event that you possess any inquiries concerning this Notice. This Privacy Practices Notice clarifies the approach by which we shall utilize, safeguard, and distribute your confidential health data (PHI) for the purpose of providing medical treatment and compensation for healthcare services or the management of our medical institution.

It also demonstrates your competence in reviewing and altering your Protected Health Information (PHI). PHI encompasses any objective data that can be associated with you and may signify both your current and potential physiological or psychological state, regardless of time. Additionally, it delineates the corresponding medical care services rendered.

The surveillance and dissemination of your personal medical data, known as Protected Health Information (PHI), may be supervised by your designated physician, our team, or other healthcare providers involved in rendering external medical services beyond the purview of our practice. These measures are implemented with the ultimate objective of facilitating essential healthcare provisions.

You hereby authorize Sacramento ABA Therapy to utilize and divulge your Protected Health Information for the purpose of resolving any incurred healthcare expenses and managing their Applied Behavior Analysis practice.

Please note that this authorization is not limited to the examples provided, but rather serves as a mere representation of potential uses or disclosures of your PHI. The specific instances in which Sacramento ABA Therapy (Las Vegas) is permitted to exercise your Protected Health Information (PHI) are further elaborated in the subsequent sections below.

As the legal guardian of a child undergoing ABA therapy, the pronouns “you” or “your” shall be construed in this situation as encompassing both your own self and that of your child. 

Treatment: We may also exercise divulgation of your Protected Health Information (PHI) to external sources providing assistance, services, or supplies on behalf of our office. For instance, in the case where you require medication from a pharmacy, we may be required to distribute your PHI. Moreover, healthcare professionals administering medical treatment may have access to your PHI if it is deemed necessary for proper evaluation and management of your overall health. 

Payment: In the absence of receiving compensation for your healthcare services, there may arise a need to correspond and integrate your safeguarded health information (PHI) to facilitate finalization of the transaction. This process may entail certain measures that could include fulfilling prerequisites laid out by your medical insurance scheme before granting approval or providing monetary coverage for treatments selected on your behalf. 

Operation of Healthcare: Protected Health Information (PHI) may be utilized and disclosed to facilitate the operation of our ABA practice at Sacramento ABA Therapy. This includes performing comprehensive audits, rigorously evaluating staff performance, and conducting other quality assurance procedures to guarantee accuracy in meeting our commitments.

As part of fulfilling our obligations, our office collaborates with external partners. To enable this, a written agreement must be established between our office and the partner whenever your PHI is required to be utilized or disclosed.

Other applications and disclosures of your Protected Health Information (PHI) may be conducted without prior solicitation or allowance, while simultaneously neglecting the ability to provide affirmation or objection.

It is conceivable that we will avail ourselves of or disseminate your PHI without demanding your approval or presenting you with the option to consent or oppose its utilization or disclosure. Various circumstances that fall under this category are denoted below:

Legally Mandated Requirement:

In compliance with the laws and regulations in place, we reserve the right to utilize and distribute your Protected Health Information (PHI) within the limitations set by such legally binding mandates. 

Promotion of Public Health:

We may disclose your confidential medical data to health authorities for the purpose of facilitating public health initiatives and objectives. This may include sharing information to prevent or control disease, injury, or disability. Additionally, this may also encompass collaborating with these authorities for research and statistical purposes. Furthermore, we may share your PHI with entities responsible for conducting public health policies and programs in order to improve the overall well-being of society. 

Communication of Contagious Illnesses: Based on the circumstances, we reserve the right to disclose your medical information to individuals who are at risk of contracting or transmitting infectious diseases, or those who have an increased likelihood of acquiring or spreading illnesses. 

Healthcare Oversight: For the purpose of assessments, investigations, and audits for valid reasons, we may reveal Protected Health Information (PHI) to a regulatory body responsible for overseeing the healthcare system. This may include government entities that are required to monitor and manage public assistance programs, as well as carry out other administrative functions on behalf of the government. 

Abuse or Neglect: In the event that we are made aware of any indications of suspected abuse or neglect towards a child, we are legally obligated to disclose Protected Health Information (PHI). If you have been subjected to any form of assault, abandonment, or domestic violence, we may opt to share your PHI with authoritative entities authorized to collect such information. 

Regulatory Mandate: Our establishment may be obliged, upon the demand of pertinent state and federal bureaus like FDA, to assess Protected Health Information (PHI) pertaining to the caliber, integrity, or efficacy of FDA-governed commodities and undertakings. This entails delineating potential repercussions, disclosing malfunctions with merchandise or amenities, recording discrepancies in organic products, or other concerns. 

Criminal Apprehension: In the event of a criminal investigation, we can Protected Health Information (PHI) to law enforcement entities if they make such requests in accordance with due process as mandated by court orders or governmental regulations. This may only be done if the disclosure is explicitly sanctioned and complies with all relevant national and state laws. 

Legal Rights:: We are obligated to provide PHI to attorneys upon request, given that they can provide evidence that satisfies judicial standards and prove a legitimate need for its utilization. We must comply with all relevant laws when handling such information during this process. Our compliance will ensure that the disclosure is in accordance with legal requirements to safeguard your PHI.

In accordance with binding laws, we reserve the right to disclose Protected Health Information (PHI) to legal entities including state and federal government agencies.

This may include:

  1. Providing data relevant to child or elder abuse cases; aiding in the search for fugitives and uncovering violations of applicable statutes.
  2. Demanding personal identification or location information through legal means.
  3. Investigating data related to individuals who are victims of a crime.
  4. Receiving notifications of death due to criminal activity.
  5. Taking appropriate action if an illegal act occurs on our property.
  6. In the event of a health-related emergency, we may disclose PHI after thorough evaluation if it is determined that it is necessary to prevent a serious threat to public safety.

Coroners, Health Care Entity Directors and Organ Donation: In certain situations, it is imperative for our establishment to provide Protected Health Information (PHI) to a medically appointed coroner in order to ascertain the origin and characteristics of an individual’s passing, as stipulated by relevant laws. 

Advanced Research: To enable certain investigations to be carried out on patient data, we may disclose your Protected Health Information (PHI) to researchers who have been authorized by an institutional review board that has assessed research protocols and implemented regulations to ensure the confidentiality of participants. In addition, if deemed necessary, PHI may be utilized to validate a person’s eligibility for participation in research studies. 

Criminal Activity:  In certain circumstances, we may find ourselves obliged to disclose Protected Health Information (PHI) as required by both federal and state laws. This information may be shared with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of identifying individuals believed to have engaged in illicit activities. Disclosure of PHI related to military personnel may be authorized if the following conditions are met: (1) Operations deemed necessary by appropriate military authorities; (2) To determine eligibility for benefits under the “Department of Veterans Affairs”; and (3) To assess eligibility for assistance from a foreign military.

Furthermore, our disclosure of PHI may extend to lawful government officials involved in public safety and intelligence operations, including those responsible for providing security to the President or individuals legally authorized to receive such levels of protection.

Employee Compensation: As per your explicit consent, we are authorized to disclose PHI in accordance with the rules and regulations of employee compensation programs and other mandatory services sanctioned by governing authorities.

Utilization and Release of Private Health Data With Your Written Approval:

Unless specifically permitted or legally required, any additional use or disclosure of your private health data can only be carried out after obtaining your written authorization as outlined below.

Your permission or authorization is mandatory for us to disclose your PHI for treatment purposes. In order for this agreement to be officially documented, withdrawal of consent must be done in writing. However, any prior disclosures made with your written authorization cannot be undone even if you revoke your consent.

In certain situations, we are required by law to share your medical information. You have the option to give or withhold consent for the disclosure of your full or partial PHI. If you choose not to give authorization, your healthcare provider must determine if denying the request is beneficial based on their medical expertise.

Should you have no concerns about disclosure, we may disclose your PHI to any individuals or parties related to your healthcare, including family members, friends, and other significant people that you deem appropriate. In the instance that these individuals are incapable of providing consent or express doubt about receiving this information, we reserve the right to still share it with them if our professional judgment deems it beneficial for their well-being.

Every desired restriction should be taken into consideration when creating the request, along with its intended recipient. In the event that a limitation is requested, your healthcare provider is not obligated to comply with such a restriction. We will only use and disclose your PHI as required by law or in emergency situations where it is necessary for providing healthcare services, unless otherwise agreed upon by your healthcare provider. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with your physician regarding any possible limitations or boundaries. If a restriction exists, a formal request must be made to confirm its validity.

You are able to seek confidential correspondence from us through multiple avenues or at a different location.

We are open to fulfilling reasonable appeals. Additionally, we can explore potential options to facilitate transactions, such as providing an alternative address or utilizing alternative means of communication. We will not question the motive behind your request. To do so, please submit a written application directed to our Program Manager. 

You have the authority to request for your therapist to amend your Protected Health Information (PHI).

Regardless of the length of time we hold on to this information, you have the right to request for a modification of any personal data about you that is stored in a specific database by us. There may be situations where we are unable to fulfill your request.

If we choose not to take action on your appeal for modification, it is within our rights to ask for an opposing statement. It is also possible that we will provide a response to your objection, which will be conveyed to you. If you have any questions or concerns about altering your medical records, please inform our Program Coordinator.

We may also share your Protected Health Information with our designated partner or other person in charge of your health issues, as well as after your death. Furthermore, we might disclose information about you to a lawful public or private institution for the purpose of aiding in disaster relief efforts and allowing access and disclosure to family members or other individuals involved in your medical care.

 Your rights:

This serves as a statement of the privileges you have in relation to your Protected Health Information (PHI) and reveals how you can exercise these rights.

You have the right to access and obtain copies of your protected medical information. If permitted by federal or state laws, a reasonable fee may be charged for obtaining any PHI that has been stored for an extended period of time. In order to make an informed decision about you, your therapist and the ABA practice may use your clinical records, billing documents, and other relevant information as a basis for their determination. 

You are entitled to request that admittance to your Protected Health Information (PHI) be confidential or restricted.

You have the right to ask us not to disclose any part of your PHI for medical care, payment or healthcare operations. Additionally, if you wish, it is possible to limit access to your PHI from family members or friends involved in your health and notification goals as described in this Privacy Policy. 

You have the right to acquire an exposition of the disclosures, if any, that we have made concerning your Protected Health Information (PHI).

This Privacy Policy serves as a reminder that you have the right to access any information related to your treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. We are prohibited from sharing any information about you unless you have given us permission to do so, or if it is required by law (in accordance with privacy regulations) or for educational purposes in restricted situations involving healthcare facilities. These types of disclosures may occur. 

Safety Measures: To guarantee utmost security during your time on our Website, we consistently monitor for any potential risks such as security vulnerabilities, spyware, and known flaws. Your confidential information is protected through secure networks that are only accessible by authorized personnel with specific privileges. As an extra precautionary measure, sensitive details like credit card information are encrypted using SSL technology.

Our Website has taken an array of preventative measures to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data when making a purchase or creating an account. A third-party payment company is responsible for all transactions; no data is stored or managed on our servers. 

Do we use ‘cookies’?

Cookies are small records that are sent from a website or service provider to an individual’s computer hard drive. These records are used by the website or service provider’s systems to identify the browser of the person and gather and store relevant information. Cookies help us remember and manage items in our shopping cart. They also aid in understanding individual preferences based on their previous website navigation, thereby allowing us to provide enhanced services.  

We utilize cookies for the following purposes:

➔Facilitate the the collection and processing of items placed in a shopping cart.

➔Store User preferences for potential future visits, ensuring that their information is securely saved upon return.

➔Collect statistical data to gain a holistic understanding.

You may choose to receive notifications every time a cookie is transmitted to your computer, or you have the option to disable all cookies. You can do this by adjusting the settings in your software or browser. As each program has its unique configuration, it is advisable to seek assistance from the support team of your chosen program in order to modify the cookie setup.

Some of our services and features may stop working if you disable cookies on your device. As a result, certain functionalities will be deactivated, leading to the cessation of some of our services. 

How can one adjust the information they have submitted?

For the elimination or modification of provided information, selecting the Contact Us option is imperative. Our assistance department may retain certain transaction details for the purpose of maintaining records.  

External parties.

Your data security is guaranteed without any reservations unless you have explicitly granted your consent. On certain occasions, however, the disclosure of data may be necessary to third parties, like payment processing companies. These external parties must agree to uphold the confidentiality of your data.

Your data may be divulged with external entities in to comply with legal regulations, protect our rights, enforce the policies of our website, and ensure the safety of ourselves and others. Additionally, non-personally identifiable visitor data could be conveyed to third parties for promotional or advertising reasons. 

Third-party Links:

Occasionally, our Website may feature products or services from other organizations. These external sources are included at our discretion and their availability may vary. Each third-party Website has its own set of privacy policies, for which we cannot be held accountable. However, we take great pride in maintaining the high quality of our Website and greatly appreciate your feedback regarding external sources.  

Transfer of your Data:

Contingent on the nature of your data, it may be sent and stored on computers situated outside the boundaries of your state, county, country, or other political region where privacy laws may differ from those in your local area.

Our approach is to ensure the secure management of your data in accordance with this Policy. We seek sensible means to shield your data from unapproved access or disclosure. No data transmissions will take place unless adequate safeguards are implemented to protect the security of your information. 

Disclosure of Your Data:

It is plausibly conceivable that in the case of our company being involved in a purchase or asset sale, your data may be disclosed. Prior notice will made if there are any changes to your personal information as it pertains to this privacy policy. In certain scenarios, it becomes imperative to divulge your details if mandated by law or governmental authority.

Storage of your Personal Information:

Based on this Policy, it is our utmost obligation to safeguard your personal information in order to meet the objectives of our privacy policy. In compliance with applicable legal obligations, it is necessary for us to retain and utilize your data for the purposes of resolving and verifying our agreements and proceedings. 

Your protection rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

We handle your data in accordance with the details outlined in this Privacy Policy. The measures taken to protect your information, as stated in this document, are applicable to its acquisition process. In the case of individuals located within the European Economic Area (EEA), we may use your personally identifiable information for any of the following purposes:

We must adhere to the contractual obligations we have made with you, which includes drafting a mutual agreement between us.

  • You have granted consent for the usage of your personal data.
  • Our legitimate goals in data analysis do not supersede your legal rights and safeguards.
  • To simplify the process of calculating and managing payroll.
  • To ensure adherence to relevant laws & regulations.

Essential data protection privileges are accessible to individuals within the European Economic Area (EEA). In certain circumstances, you may be entitled to these complete rights of safeguarding your information. These Rights encompass:

  • The Right to Amend any errors.
  • The Right to Limitation.
  • The Right to Acquire Your Data.
  • The Right to Revise or Eradicate Your Data.
  • The Capability to Transfer Your Data from One Location to Another.
  • The Right to Overturn a Decision

Please be advised that we may request for you to verify your identification before responding to any inquiries or communications. This privilege to contest the handling of your information is granted under the Data Protection Act 1998. Additional information regarding security protocols in the European Economic Area can be obtained by reaching out to your regional information assurance office. 

Service Providers:

In order to improve our Website’s functionality, we collaborate with outside organizations and individuals (“Service Providers”) to enhance accessibility, provide services for our benefit, and assist us in assessing how the Website is utilized. These Service Providers may access your data as part of these efforts. However, they are bound by legal obligations that prohibit them from disclosing or exploiting any of the information provided. 


Google Analytics serves as an essential tool in acquiring insights on the traffic visiting your website. The data gathered by this platform can then be utilized to tailor advertisements for a personalized and relevant user experience.

To obstruct Google from detecting your business usage, one can install an extension that prevents Google from monitoring your activity on the platform. This browser add-on blocks the “Google Analytics JavaScript” from collecting and analyzing data on how visitors interact with the Website. Detailed information on how Google utilizes personal information can be found on this page of Google’s Privacy and Terms. 

Payments Processors:

On our Online Platform, we provide a wide range of goods and services. Transactions are handled through various intermediaries, including payment processors. Your card data will not be stored or retrieved. This data is directly transmitted to our external payment processors, whose Privacy Policy governs the management of your personal details. 


All images displayed on our Website and shared on our social media platforms do not portray any of our previous customers. 

Getting in Touch:

Any inquiries regarding our policies on privacy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are delighted to provide answers to your questions. ”